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Preparing for the unexpected
Protection should be a core part of your financial plan If you are worried illness or injury could leave you without enough to pay bills,...

How to trace multiple old pension pots
Over time, pension schemes close, merge or become renamed Changed job? Moved house? It’s not always easy to keep track of a pension,...

Inflation matters
Guarding against rising inflation eating away at your investments Understanding inflation is an important factor when it comes to...

Coping with life-changing events
Plan for tomorrow, live for today Change is the only constant in life. It inevitably involves twists and turns, with some that are...

What will happen to your pension when you die?
Providing an income or nest egg for your loved ones to enjoy, long after you are gone The way that you decide to take your pension will...

Planning for a better financial future
Have you made sure your plans are still on track? It’s been nearly two years since the first novel coronavirus (COVID-19) case was...

Top pension tips if you’re about to retire
Understanding your options and putting a plan in place We spend our working lives building towards retirement. Choices we make today will...

Lasting Power of Attorney
Taking control of decisions even in the event you can’t make them yourself A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables individuals to take...

Leaving your legacy behind
Considerations when making a Will Thinking about death isn't easy. Talking about it is even harder. The reality of our own mortality is a...

Pension Lifetime Allowance
Do you need to take action to avoid risking additional tax charges in retirement? When it comes to your pension, you might assume that...

Pension tax relief
27% of people surveyed did not know how it worked To encourage saving for retirement, the government pays tax relief on pension...

Advice matters
Intergenerational planning and wealth transfer between advised families Following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak, UK adults...

Plan for tomorrow, live for today
Helping you achieve your financial goals The key steps toward financial security are to translate them into your own terms. What,...

Reappraisal of urban living
3 million people in the UK aged over 50 considering relocating The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has lead to a reappraisal of urban...

‘It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep’
The potential impact to your expected retirement income over time When you’re planning your retirement income, there are multiple factors...

Protect yourself from pension scams
Understanding the warning signs to keep your money safe Being online more means criminals have a greater opportunity to approach...

How to future-proof your finances as a parent
A momentous event that can change every aspect of your financial stability The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a shattering...

Increased net worth and rising mortality rates
The earlier you put plans in place the more options you may have With careful planning it may be possible to reduce significantly the...

Pension boost
Are you claiming all of the generous tax relief you’re entitled to? The unique combination of tax breaks and flexible access available to...

Protecting family wealth
Start planning your legacy to mitigate or reduce Inheritance Tax If you’ve worked hard throughout your lifetime to grow your wealth, and...
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